Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Extinct...H20 !

I dont remember when was the last time I enjoyed the Bubbleness of WATER (H2O) in past year or so....

With the whole city in scars need of water, I & my family are working hard in our own way to save it. Since last 8-9months, we are using Paper Dishes & Bowls, which eradicates the need of using non paper utensils & thus may save some water which whould have been used to wash them. It can be directly be used & thrown & using Paper whould be Ecofriendly too.

But do you think, all the families in Mumbai are doing so ... I dont !

Now a days even the Water Tanker have hiked the prices beacuse even they have hard time finding Mr.H2O & even after paying double the price, we are not sure wether the water is pure enough to be Drunk... With BMC taking some action & decreasing the water supplies to the Hotels & Clubs which were using it quiet Lavishly.

I hope we Mumbaikars get some sigh of relief. Still on a personal front, I request each Mumbaikar to Save each drop of water, else be ready for the DRY LIFE ahead !


  1. OMG!! its good to hear that u actually doing so much to save water. Well me and my family are not doing so..and i dont think we will go to such an extent as using paper plates. One reason maybe coz we dont have to pay doubelt the prices and never faced water scarcity of late.

    Still we try to use water only when needed and not waste it unnecessarily.

  2. Sagar...
    Its better to be Safe then Sorry !
    & rather better late then never ...
    So start saving H2O, else we Mumbaikars will have to face hard time ahead...

  3. cumon man i said i use it wisely
    and btw u know u have started using water smartly because there's some water problem going on in ur area. But u know water has always been a problrm for the poor. everywhere in mumbai.

    also we in the suburbs had to face loadshedding daily because the demands were too much than what they could provide. So as a solution they cut off our electricty unfairlt in the suburbs. But did that make any1 use electricity smartly?

  4. Man... its not dat u run for Life when one is under the knife...
    Its a prevention before the worst...
    If u talk of Electricity... I whould like to tell u, Many pc's in our off are left unshut evn after signing out for the day ... whch should be stopped...
    Im not tellin u to not have bath or not prepare food... but use it in the most needed way ... which if u think u dng...Den its Fair enuf !
    N BTW dude...my family do try our best to save electricity tooo :)

  5. Prasad, it is good to know that you and your family are trying your best to save water, which is "GREEN". But at the same time you are using paper plates for saving water, you must know that consumption of paper plates will lead to landfill, which is not a sustainable practice.

  6. hi didu... dis blog ws written in july ... n nw a days d water problem is worsenin
    I knw steel utensiles r best for use... bt without water ... usin dem is jus nt possi ...
    so den v left with either paper or plastic plates... plastic is worst ...so v left v only paper plates !
    n other eco friendly plates r available, bt r expensiv for day to day use...
    So evn aftr knowin d ill effects, cnt help much !
